Meet Zahra
Meet Zahra Febriyanti. Even though she is only 12 years old, she has a high sense of responsibility. She lives with her Aunt in Sarongan, Banyuwangi. Every day after school she helps to take care of the house and makes lunch for her Aunt. Her Aunt does not have a stable job. Zahra's mother left when she was four months old and has never returned to visit. But Zahra does not feel sorry for herself or allow it to keep her from working hard. She is determined not to give up. Zahra always is diligent in her studies so she has a chance to reach her goals. Zahra wants to become a teacher. It doesn't matter to her about her current situation, she will continue to work hard to achieve her dream.
The target that we set for Zahra covers all 3 years of her Middle School Education. When you give to Zahra you are empowering her to pursue her dream, you are lifting the burden from her Aunt to provide for her education and you are giving her a chance to know more about her purpose, potential and worth. Give NOW and share this opportunity with others, so Zahra and so many others can have a chance at a better future!