Meet Gita

Hi, I am Gita. I am 12 years old, I have a dream to become a veterinarian. I really like animals and my favorite animals are dogs and rabbits. At home I have a cat and I take good care of them, according to the advice I read in a book about caring for animals. My father works as a carver, usually he takes orders for the type of carving and type of wood that a customer wants. The process is quite long, usually it takes up to 1 month depending on the type and size of the product. Most orders are often for carving traditional houses in Bali. My mother sometimes works harvesting rice in the fields, but that is not very often. This makes it difficult for our family financially. Even to buy a notebook to study, my parents find it difficult. Honestly I'm worried about my future, this year I will graduate from elementary school and continue my education to middle school, but seeing the condition of my family it seems that it is not a possibility. I really desire to continue to Middle School and pursue my dream of becoming a veterinarian.


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