Meet Adi

Hi, my name is Adi I am 12 years old. My family lives in Selemadeg, Bali. My father works as a janitor in Tabanan while my mother is a housewife. I enjoy playing soccer with my friends. I am a fan of club Bali united, that is the name of the soccer club in Bali. I also like sports because I want to be healthy as I have aspirations to become a soldier. My family’s circumstances are not very stable, often we have difficulties meeting our daily needs. I was really sad when my family told me that I would not be able to continue my education to middle school. My hope of becoming a soldier seems to be getting more and more difficult and impossible. I really want to be able to continue learning, I enjoy my time at school learning new things and increasing my knowledge. I'm afraid that if I only finish elementary school, I won’t have a bright future or be able to provide a decent life for my parents when they can't work.






At a young age Adi already has much he is thinking about. Too much for a 12 year old. You can help Adi focus on his school and pursue his dream of becoming a soldier, when you give generously to support his education. Give today!