We invite you to meet this amazing family!
As of March 31st we have been able to provide 33 children with an Educational Sponsorship! Your donation makes a real impact. These families, especially the parents, are SO grateful to see their children return to school and have the financial burden lifted.
Wayan Balik is a father of two children, Widiari and Antara. Know Indo was able to provide both his children with Educational Sponsorships, covering all school fees and tutoring fees for a year!
“During this time I know I can’t be a good teacher to them during their studies. But at least I can try to provide by sending them to a local tutoring agency by our house.” Wayan shared with us during our visit.
We also had the amazing opportunity to visit Ni Ketut Ariani. She is a housewife who takes care of her home, her family’s needs and her husband’s medical expenses. Her husband suffers from a serious medical condition which makes him unable to work. In the early morning Ketut wakes up to make food that she sells in her local neighborhood. Sometimes she also works construction to gain some extra income.
“I would do anything I could to keep my children in school and meet their needs as well as cover my husband’s medical expenses. This is the only family I have and they mean everything to me.”
These are a couple examples of the amazing families we get to support and encourage because of YOU! Our goal is to raise $50,000 and send 165 children back to school, to impact the lives of 165 families!
Everyone can be a part of making 2021 better for a child and for these families.